KUBUKI Kindergarden
"One must not forget to see the world through the eyes of a child" ~ Henry Matisse
The children entrusted to us are between the ages of 2-6 years and are lovingly and patiently accompanied by well-trained educators and given the best possible and individual support. Our house is designed for a family group of 20 children.
In addition to the playful learning of a second language, our facility is also characterized by the transparency of our work and the involvement of parents in everyday kindergarten life.
What we offer
Age-appropriate padagogy
In our facility, we place particular emphasis on age-appropriate pedagogy.
Each child is individually accompanied and supported in its development.
Sustainability is of particular concern to us. This is why we plant vegetables and fruit together with the children and experience the cycle of nature up close.
Healthy children acquire language almost by themselves. They do not need targeted support for this. However, a prerequisite is an environment in which the principles of child language acquisition processes are taken into account: children acquire language through imitation and reinforcement, unconsciously-intuitively, holistically, in interaction and concrete action.
Daily Routine
A constant daily structure and recurring rituals offer the children security and orientation in everyday life.
In addition to a comprehensible daily structure, well thought-out annual planning is particularly important to us.
This way, the children can actively experience the seasons.
The kindergarten is located in the small town of Slavosovice, about 2 km from the town of Klatovy.
Idyllically situated next to forests and meadows, the place offers ideal conditions to meet the needs of the children.
The rooms of the kindergarten cover approximately 280m2 on one level.
In the garden of the 2000m2 property there are many fruit trees, shrubs, a greenhouse and various playgrounds.
Prices and Registration
We would like to invite you and your child to our kindergarten so that you can get an impression of our educational work and our premises.